Manuall On A Budget: 9 Tips From The Great Depression
Practical considerations and recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19 Many philosophers are attracted to the idea that reasons for action are ultimately provided by the values that can be realized through action . If this is right, and if we assume as well a realist or at least non-subjectivist conception of value, then a different way of thinking about the task of practical reason comes into view. This may be thought of not primarily as a matter of maximizing the satisfaction of the agent’s given ends, nor of specifying ends that are still inchoate, but rather as the task of mapping the landscape of value. E. Moore, we might understand the evaluative reflection relevant to deliberation in consequentialist terms, as reflection about a non-natural property of goodness that is instantiated by states of the world; but this is not a very popular approach today. An influential alternative to it, inspired by Aristotle, holds that the prop...